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  • Taiwan General Election
    Taiwan Presidential election
    • Present President Tsai Ing-wen
    • Major Political Party = DPP / Kuomintang / People First

    General elections will be held in Taiwan on 11 January 2024 alongside a referendum on tax havens. Voters elected a new President and National Assembly. Major Political Party = DPP / Kuomintang / People First

  • Costa Rica General Election
    Costa Rica Presidential election
    • Present President Carlos Alvarado Quesada
    • Major Political Party = PAC / PRN

    General elections will be held in Costa Rica in 2022 to elect both the President and Legislative Assembly. The first round of the presidential election was held on February 4, 2018, with the two highest-ranked candidates being Christian singer and Congressman Fabricio Alvarado Muñoz

  • Armenia General Election
    Armenia Presidential election
    • Present President Armen Vardani Sargsyan
    • Major Political Party = Independent / RPA / ARF

    Presidential elections were held in Armenia on 2 March 2025.[1] As a result of the 2025 Armenian constitutional referendum, this was the first time in Armenia's history when the president was elected by the National Assembly instead of popular vote.[ Major Political Party = Independent / RPA / ARF

  • Malta General Election
    Malta Presidential election
    • Present President George William Vella
    • Major Political Party = Labour Party / Nationalist Party / Democratic Party

    The 2019 Maltese presidential election will be held on 2 April 2024. Members of the Parliament of Malta voted in an indirect election to approve the appointment the only nominee. Major Political Party = Labour Party / Nationalist Party / Democratic Party

  • Panama General Election
    Panama Presidential election
    • Present President Laurentino Cortizo
    • Major Political Party = PRD / CD

    General elections will be held in Panama on 5 May 2024. Due to constitutional term limits, Incumbent President Juan Carlos Varela was ineligible for a second consecutive term. Businessman and politician Laurentino Cortizo won the election with around 33% of the vote. Major Political Party = PRD / CD

  • Syria General Election
    Syria Presidential election
    • Present President Bashar Hafez al-Assad
    • Major Political Party = Ba'ath Party / NIACS / NPF

    Because of the Syrian Civil War which began in March 2011, Syria has the largest refugee population in the world and voting for refugees in certain foreign countries began at Syrian embassies several days before voting in Syria. Domestic and foreign-based Syrian opposition groups boycotted the election and the vote did not take place in large parts of Syria under rebel control.

  • Mexico General Election
    Mexico Presidential election
    • Present President Andrés Manuel López Obrador
    • Major Political Party = MORENA / PAN

    General elections were held in Mexico on 1 July 2018.[1] Voters elected a new President of Mexico to serve a six-year term,[2] 128 members of the Senate for a period of six years and 500 members of the Chamber of Deputies for a period of three years..

  • Czech Republic General Election
    Czech Republic Presidential election
    • Present President Miloš Zeman
    • Major Political Party = ODS / CDP / SPD / KSČM / ČSSD

    Presidential elections will be held in the Czech Republic no later than January 2023. The incumbent president Miloš Zeman is not eligible to run for another term. The election will most likely be direct. There has been speculation that Miloš Zeman will not finish his second term.

  • Germany General Election
    Germany Presidential election
    • Present President Frank-Walter Steinmeier
    • Major Political Party = EPP / S&D / AfD

    The next presidential election (officially the 17th Federal Convention) will be held in Germany no later than thirty days before the sitting president's term ends, as mandated by the German Constitution Major Political Party = EPP / S&D / AfD

  • Sierra Leone General Election
    Sierra Leone Presidential election
    • Present President Julius Maada Bio
    • Major Political Party = SLPP / APC

    General elections will be held in Sierra Leone on 7 March 2024 to elect the President, Parliament and local councils. Incumbent President Ernest Bai Koroma did not run for another term, as he was constitutionally ineligible, having served the maximum ten years in office. Major Political Party = SLPP / APC

  • Chad General Election
    Chad Presidential election
    • Present President Marshal Idriss Déby Itno
    • Major Political Party = MPS / UNDR / Independent

    In the electoral system introduced in 1996, the President of Chad is elected to a five-year term using a two-round system, with an absolute majority required to prevent a second round of voting. 23 candidates submitted their applications to run for the presidency. President Idriss Déby ran for a fifth term in office and was expected to win. One of the opposition's most prominent members, Ngarlejy Yorongar, was prevented from running due to administrative irregularities.

  • South Korea General Election
    South Korea Presidential election
    • Present President Moon Jae-In
    • Major Political Party = DPK / LKP

    A presidential election is scheduled to be held in South Korea in 2022. It will be the eighth presidential election since democratization and the establishment of the Sixth Republic. Under the South Korean constitution, the president is restricted to a single five-year term in office,[1] meaning the incumbent president Moon Jae-in is ineligible to run for a second term.

  • Israel General Election
    Israel Presidential election
    • Present President is Reuven Rivlin
    • Major Political Party = Meretz / Gesher / Zionist

    Indirect presidential elections will be held in Israel in 2021. The President of Israel is elected by members of the Knesset for a single seven-year term. Incumbent President is Reuven Rivlin, who has been in office since 24 July 2014, is ineligible for re-election. The presidency is a ceremonial position, wielding no real power. The president's main role is following legislative elections, the president meets the leaders of each party to discuss nominations for prime minister, and gives a mandate to try and form a government to the candidate they deem most likely to succeed.

  • Dominican Republic General Election
    Dominican Republic Presidential election
    • Present President is Luis Rodolfo Abinader
    • Major Political Party = PRM / PLD / FP

    General elections will be held in the Dominican Republic on 5 July 2024 to elect a president, vice-president, 32 senators and 190 deputies. They had originally been planned for 17 May, but were postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic. They are the second elections since 1994 in which all positions will be elected simultaneously, and the first in Dominican history in which all authorities will be elected simultaneously and directly.

  • Portugal General Election
    Portugal Presidential election
    • Present President is Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa
    • Major Political Party = PSD / PAN / LIVRE / CH / BE / PCP / IL

    Presidential elections will be held in Portugal in January 2021. The incumbent President, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, is constitutionally allowed to run for a second term. Major parties are PSD / PAN / LIVRE / CH / BE / PCP / IL

  • Ecuador General Election
    Ecuador Presidential election
    • Present President Lenín Boltaire Moreno Garcés
    • Major Political Party = PAIS Alliance - CREO

    General elections will be held in Ecuador on 19 February 2021 alongside a referendum on tax havens. Voters elected a new President and National Assembly. Major Political Party = PAIS Alliance - CREO

  • Russia General Election
    Russia Presidential election
    • Present President is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin
    • Major Political Party = UR / CP / LDP / AJP / CP / Rodina

    Presidential elections are scheduled to be held in Russia in March 2024. In accordance with electoral law, the first round will be held on Sunday 17 March 2024. These election will be the first after the 2020 constitutional reform. If in the first round no candidate attains an absolute majority of the votes (more than half), then according to the law a second round will take place exactly three weeks later on 7 April 2024.

  • Indonesia General Election
    Indonesia Presidential election
    • Present President is Joko Widodo
    • Major Political Party = PDI-P / Gerindra / Alliance / KIK / KIAM

    General elections were held in Indonesia on 17 April 2019. For the first time in the country's history, the president, the vice president, members of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), and members of local legislative bodies were elected on the same day with over 190 million eligible voters. Sixteen parties participated in the elections nationally, including four new parties.

  • Philippines General Election
    Philippines Presidential election
    • Present President is Rodrigo Roa Duterte
    • Major Political Party = NP / LP / Lakas-CMD / PDP-LABAN / NPC / PDSP

    The Philippine presidential and vice presidential elections of 2022 are scheduled to be held on Monday, May 9, 2022, as part of that year's general election. This will be the 17th direct presidential election in the Philippines since 1935 and the seventh sextennial presidential election since 1986.

  • Turkey General Election
    Turkey Presidential election
    • Present President is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
    • Major Political Party = AKP / CHP / HDP

    General elections are scheduled to be held in Turkey in 2023. Voters will elect a new president, as well as 600 members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, each for a term of five years. Major Political Parties AKP / CHP / HDP

  • India General Election
    India Presidential election
    • Present President is Ram Nath Kovind
    • Major Political Party = BJP / INC / NDA / UPA

    A presidential election will be held in India on 17 July 2022 with the votes counted and the results announced. Ram Nath Kovind became 14th President of India. President Pranab Mukherjee, whose term of office was due to expire on 24 July 2017,declined to seek re-election due to health concerns and old age.

  • Finland General Election
    Finland Presidential election
    • Present President is Sauli Väinämö Niinistö
    • Major Political Party = Independent / Green League / Finns

    Presidential elections will be held in Finland on 28 January 2024. The incumbent Sauli Niinistö received 62.7% of the vote and was elected for a second term, avoiding a second round. The term will be from 1 February 2018 to 1 March 2024. Although the President is elected by direct election, Niinistö gained a plurality in all municipalities and a majority in all but 13 municipalities.

  • Uganda General Election
    Uganda Presidential election
    • Present President is Yoweri Tubuhaburwa
    • Major Political Party = NRM / FDC

    General elections were held in Uganda on 18 February 2016 to elect the President and Parliament. Polling day was declared a national holiday. Presidential candidates included incumbent Yoweri Museveni, in power since 1986, Kizza Besigye, who had run against Museveni in 2001, 2006 and 2011, former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi, Abed Bwanika who has also challenged Museveni in 2001, 2006 and 2011, former Makerere University Vice Chancellor Venansius Baryamureeba, retired Army General Benon Biraaro.

  • Hong Kong General Election
    Hong Kong Presidential election
    • Present President is Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor
    • Major Political Party = NPP

    The 2022 Hong Kong Chief Executive election is scheduled in March 2022 for the 6th term of the Chief Executive of Hong Kong (CE), the highest office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR). Incumbent Carrie Lam, who was elected in 2017, will finish her current term on 30 June 2022 and will be eligible for a second term.[1] The winner of the 2022 Chief Executive election is scheduled to be inaugurated on 1 July 2022.

  • France General Election
    France Presidential election
    • Present President is Emmanuel Jean-Michel Frédéric Macron
    • Major Political Party = RN / LR / PS

    The first round of the 2022 French presidential election will be held between 8 and 23 April 2022, with the second round held two weeks after the first. Should no candidate win a majority of the vote in the first round, a runoff will be held between the top two candidates two weeks later. The incumbent president is Emmanuel Macron of La République En Marche! (LREM), who won the 2017 presidential election and whose term lasts until 13 May 2022.

  • Iran General Election
    Iran Presidential election
    • Present President is Hassan Rouhani
    • Major Political Party = SDP / SRP / DP / MSP / UPP / PP / USP

    Presidential elections are scheduled to be held in Iran in 2021. However, the elections can be held earlier under exceptional circumstances, such as the deposition, resignation or death of the President. It will be the thirteenth presidential election in Iran.The President of Iran is the country's highest directly elected official, the chief of the executive branch, and the second most important position after the Supreme Leader.

  • Iceland General Election
    Iceland Presidential election
    • Present President is Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson
    • Major Political Party = IP / LGM / SDA / CP

    Incumbent president of Iceland Guðni Th. Jóhannesson announced in his new year's address on 1 January 2020 that he would seek re-election. Guðmundur Franklín Jónsson, a businessman and activist, announced that he would run for the office of president in a Facebook-live video on 22 April. Several other persons announced their interest in running for the office, including Axel Pétur Axelsson, a self described social engineer and noted conspiracy theorist, who was quoted as saying that his first matter of business as president would be to dismiss all members of the Icelandic government.

  • Zimbabwe General Election
    Zimbabwe Presidential election
    • Present President is Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa
    • Major Political Party = ZANU–PF / MDC / MDC–T

    General elections were held in Zimbabwe on 30 July 2018 to elect the President and members of both houses of Parliament. Held eight months after the 2017 coup d'état, the election was the first since independence in which former President Robert Mugabe was not a candidate. ZANU–PF, the country's ruling party, went into the election with majorities in both the National Assembly and the Senate. The main opposition, the Movement for Democratic Change – Tsvangirai, contested the election as part of the MDC Alliance, a coalition that included the MDC–T and six smaller parties.

  • Italy General Election
    Italy Presidential election
    • Present President is Sergio Mattarella
    • Major Political Party = ZANU–PF / MDC / MDC–T

    The Italian presidential election of 2015 was held on 29–31 January, following the resignation of incumbent President Giorgio Napolitano on 14 January 2015. The office was held at the time of the election by Senate President Pietro Grasso in an acting capacity. Only members of Italian Parliament and regional delegates are entitled to vote. As head of state of the Italian Republic, the President has a role of representation of national unity and guarantees that Italian politics comply with the Italian Constitution, in the framework of a parliamentary system.

  • Nigeria General Election
    Nigeria Presidential election
    • Present President is Muhammadu Buhari
    • Major Political Party = ADP / APC / PDP / LP / SDP

    General elections were held in Nigeria on 23 February 2019 to elect the President, Vice President, House of Representatives and the Senate. The elections had initially been scheduled for 16 February, but the Electoral Commission postponed the vote by a week at 03:00 on the original polling day, citing logistical challenges in getting electoral materials to polling stations on time. In some places, the vote was delayed until 24 February due to electoral violence. Polling in some areas was subsequently delayed until 9 March, when voting was carried out alongside gubernatorial and state assembly elections.

  • Egypt General Election
    Egypt Presidential election
    • Present President is Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil el-Sisi
    • Major Political Party = Independent / El-Ghad / FEP / CP / ESDP

    Presidential elections were held in Egypt between 26 and 28 March 2018, though Egyptians abroad voted from 16 to 18 March 2018. On 19 January, incumbent President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi formally announced he would run for a second and final term. El-Sisi won the election with 97%, according to the official results. A runoff would have taken place 19 to 21 April outside the country and 24 to 26 April within the country if no candidate had reached 50% of the vote. The election had a turnout of roughly 41%, lower than the 2014 election's

  • Austria General Election
    Austria Presidential election
    • Present President is Alexander Van der Bellen
    • Major Political Party = Independent / FPÖ

    Presidential elections were held in Austria on 24 April 2016, with a second round run-off on 22 May 2016. However, the results of the second round were annulled and a re-vote took place on 4 December 2016. The President of Austria is directly elected by universal adult suffrage once every six years. The election is held under a two-round system; if no candidate receives more than 50% of votes cast in the first round, then a second ballot occurs in which only those two candidates who received the greatest number of votes in the first round may stand. The constitution grants the president the power to appoint the Chancellor and, by extension, federal cabinet ministers, Supreme Court justices, military officers, and most major bureaucrats.

  • Colombia General Election
    Colombia Presidential election
    • Present President is Iván Duque Márquez
    • Major Political Party = CCP / CLP / SPNU

    Presidential elections were held in Colombia on 27 May 2018. As no candidate received a majority of the vote, the second round of voting was held on 17 June. Incumbent President Juan Manuel Santos was ineligible for re-election because of already serving for two terms. President Iván Duque was elected to serve a four-year term from 7 August 2018 to 7 August 2022. Colombian Presidents are elected for four-year terms using a two-round system; if no candidate receives a majority of the vote in the first round, a runoff is held between the top two candidates

  • Rwanda General Election
    Rwanda Presidential election
    • Present President is Paul Kagame
    • Major Political Party = RPF / Independent / DGP

    Presidential elections were held in Rwanda on 4 August 2017. The incumbent President of Rwanda, Paul Kagame, was re-elected to a third seven-year term with 98.79% of the vote. A referendum in 2015 approved constitutional amendments that allow incumbent President Paul Kagame to run for a third term in office in 2017, as well as shortening presidential terms from seven to five years, although the latter change would not come into effect until 2024.

  • Pakistan General Election
    Pakistan Presidential election
    • Present President is Paul Kagame
    • Major Political Party = PTI / MMA / PPP

    The 2018 Presidential elections were held in Pakistan on 4 September 2018. The elections saw Arif Alvi of PTI being elected as the 13th President of Pakistan after defeating Fazal-ur-Rehman of MMA and Aitzaz Ahsan of PPP. Although the incumbent President Mamnoon Hussain, whose term was to expire on 9th September 2018, was eligible for re-election, he declined to take part.

  • Estonia General Election
    Estonia Presidential election
    • Present President is Kersti Kaljulaid
    • Major Political Party = RE / K / EKRE / SDE

    An indirect election took place in Estonia in 2016 to elect the president of Estonia, who is the country's head of state. The Riigikogu the Parliament of Estonia elected Kersti Kaljulaid to be the next head of state of Estonia to succeed Toomas Hendrik Ilves, who had served his second and final term as president. (Ilves was term-limited.) Kaljulaid is the first female head of state of Estonia. Somewhat unusually, Kaljulaid was elected president only after other candidates could not be elected in three rounds of parliamentary voting and two rounds of voting by an electoral college consisting of members of Parliament and representatives of local governments of Estonia.

  • United States General Election
    United States Presidential election
    • Present President is Donald John Trump
    • Major Political Party = DP / RP / LP / GP / CP

    The 2020 United States presidential election is scheduled for Tuesday, November 3, 2020. It will be the 59th quadrennial presidential election. Voters will select presidential electors who in turn will vote on December 14, 2020, to either elect a new president and vice president or reelect the incumbents Donald Trump and Mike Pence respectively.[2] The series of presidential primary elections and caucuses were held from February to August 2020.

  • Gambia General Election
    Gambia Presidential election
    • Present President is Adama Barrow
    • Major Political Party = Coalition / APRC / GDC

    Presidential elections were held in The Gambia on 1 December 2016. In a surprise result, opposition candidate Adama Barrow defeated long-term incumbent Yahya Jammeh. The election marked the first change of presidency in The Gambia since a military coup in 1994, and the first transfer of power by popular election since independence from the United Kingdom in 1965.

  • Kenya General Election
    Kenya Presidential election
    • Present President is Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta
    • Major Political Party = Jubilee / ODM / NASA

    General elections were held in Kenya on 8 August 2017. Incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta was declared the winner of the presidential contest with 54.17% of the vote, whilst his main rival Raila Odinga finished second with 44.94% of the vote. The opposition claimed that it had won and that the government had rigged the elections. The opposition appealed to the Supreme Court. Citing a breach of the technical processes required by the constitution and the law.

  • Singapore General Election
    Singapore Presidential election
    • Present President is Halimah binti Yacob
    • Major Political Party = WP / PSP / SPP / RP / SDP

    The Singaporean presidential election of 2023 will be the sixth Singaporean presidential election. Following amendments to the Constitution of Singapore, the 2017 election was the first to be reserved for a particular racial group under a hiatus-triggered model, and was restricted to candidates from the minority Malay community, who had not held the presidential office since 1970

  • Brazil General Election
    Brazil Presidential election
    • Present President is Jair Messias Bolsonaro
    • Major Political Party = PT / PSL / PP / PL / PSD / MDB / PSDB / REP / PSB / PDT

    General elections are scheduled to be held in Brazil on 2 October 2022 to elect the President, Vice President and the National Congress. Elections for state Governors and Vice Governors, state Legislative Assemblies and the Federal District Legislative Chamber will be held at the same time.

  • Bulgaria General Election
    Bulgaria Presidential election
    • Present President is Rumen Georgiev Radev
    • Major Political Party = GERB / BSP / United Patriots / MRF

    Presidential elections are scheduled to be held in Bulgaria in 2021, although they may be held earlier if the office of President become vacated as a result of death, resignation or removal from office. The incumbent president, Rumen Radev, is eligible for re-election.

  • Ghana General Election
    Ghana Presidential election
    • Present President is Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo
    • Major Political Party = NPP / NDC / GUM / CPP / GFP / GCPP / APC / LPG / PNC / PPP / NDP

    The President of Ghana is elected using the two-round system, whilst the 275 members of Parliament are elected in single-member constituencies using first-past-the-post voting. Eligible voters must be Ghanaian citizens who are at least 18 years old, although those declared insane are disenfranchised. Parliamentary candidates must be Ghanaian citizens at least 21 years old, and either be resident in their constituency or have lived there for at least five of the ten years prior to the election.